5 Simplest Ways to Make Money With Pinterest | Earn Online



5 ways to make money with pinterest

Do you want to make money online with Pinterest? You’re in the right place. In this post, I have shared 5 simplest ways to make money on Pinterest.

Pinterest is not just a photo-sharing platform rather you can actually make money from it by various ways. It has over more than 80 million users around the world, and is one of the fastest growing social media platforms.

By the end of this post you will get the answers of most of the queries regarding earning on Pinterest, like:

  • How can I make money on Pinterest without a website?
  • Can you monetize Pinterest?
  • How do I sell things on Pinterest?
  • How to make money on Pinterest with Google Adsense?
  • How to make money on Pinterest without a blog?
  • How to make money on Pinterest with a blog?
  • How to make money on Pinterest with affiliate links?


Pinterest Marketing & Advertising Course

01. Choose A Niche & Build An Audience

Create a Business Pinterest account around a specific niche (area of interest), like Technology, Startups, Travel, Sports, Fashion, Beauty, etc. Whatever niche you choose, you should be passionate about it and have some serious interest. Fashion and Beauty niches are the most popular on Pinterest. Create some Boards relevant to your niche and add Pins & Idea Pins to them by targeting a specific audience.

Now to get followers and promote your Boards and Pins follow the relevant boards and accounts on Pinterest. From those relevant boards you can follow lot of people to get follow backs. You can follow relevant Group Boards as well so that it will boost your Pins to the larger audience.

Once you manage to get large number of target followers, companies/brands will automatically approach you to promote their products on Pinterest.

Choose A Niche & Build An Audience

02. Approach Brands For Sponsorship

Once you mange to get huge target following you can also approach brands relevant to your niche. For instance, your niche is Fashion. You can approach Fashion and Beauty brands to promote their  products by showing your Pinterest account analytics, like monthly traffic, followers, etc.

Approach Brands For Sponsorship

03. Blog/Website

If you have a blog or a website you can bring a massive traffic from Pinterest. Pinterest gives you the option that you can link your blog posts with Pinterest Pins. When someone opens an image on Pinterest and clicks it, he is redirected to your blog post.

For instance, you create a blog post on “Best web hosting company.” You create a Pin on Pinterest and link that blog post with it. Now someone opens that Pin on Pinterest and clicks, your blog post will be opened and there is a chance that he will buy web hosting and you will earn your commission.

People often ask, how to make money on Pinterest with Google Adsense. The answer is, from your blog or website monetized with Google Adsense.

Check out The Small Business Blog to enhance your knowledge of the relationships between different software, apps, and trends. 

Start a WordPress Blog

04. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a great way of earning on Pinterest. To do affiliate marketing you don’t need any blog or a website. Simply create a Pin and add your affiliate link. When someone opens your Pin, clicks the affiliate link and buys that product, you will get commission for that.

For instance, you create a Pin for iPhone 14 Pro Max and add your iPhone 14’s Amazon affiliate link. When someone will click that iPhone 14 Pro Max image, the product page of iPhone 14 Pro will be opened on Amazon, and if he buys you will get a commission. There are hundreds of thousands of online affiliate programs that you can join like Impact Radius, Amazon, CJ Affiliates, ClickBank, eBay, Alibaba, AliExpress, Payoneer, Rakuten Linkshare, etc.

05. Sell Your Own Brand Or Product

If you have your own brand or a product you can use Pinterest to promote. For instance, you have an E-Commerce blog or a website, you can drive traffic from Pinterest and produce sales. Other example could be like, you run a training institute, you can share your various courses on Pinterest by creating Pins.

If you don’t have a blog or a website you can still promote your brand or product by giving the information directly on your Pin description and image. For example, you have a Training Center and don’t have a website. To promote your courses you can put the information, like contact number, email and course fees directly on the image and Pin description.

Sell Your Own Brand Or Product

So these were 5 simplest ways to make money online on Pinterest. If you like this post then don’t forget to share with other people. Share your feedback in the comments section below.

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