How To Create Daraz Seller Center Account | 4 Types



How To Create Daraz Seller Center Account featured

Do you want to create/open a Daraz Seller Center account? You’re in the right place. In this post, I will guide you step-by-step on how to create 4 different types of Daraz Seller Center accounts i.e. Daraz MallSeller, Local Seller, Global Seller, & Digital Sahulat.

Daraz is one of the leading eCommerce marketplaces in South Asia, providing services to 450 Million+ customers in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. People from these countries living in their own country or abroad can join Daraz as seller and make millions.

You can start selling on Daraz with minimum of $100 USD.

Following topics will be covered in this post:

  • How Much You Can Earn As a Daraz Seller?
  • Daraz Commission Rates
  • What Is Daraz FBM (Fulfillment By Merchant)?
  • What Is Daraz FBD (Fulfillment By Daraz)?
  • What Is Daraz PL(Private Label)?
  • What Is Listing On Daraz?
  • How To Become a Successful Daraz Seller?
  • How To Create Daraz Seller Center Accounts


01. How Much You Can Earn As a Daraz Seller?

How much a seller can earn on Daraz depends on different things like Product Demand, Product Search Volume, Product Competition, Product Type, Product Quality, Product Ranking, Profit Margin, Product Sales Velocity, Conversion Rate, Product Reviews, etc.

Let’s say the cost of XYZ product is 150 Pkr and 30% is your profit margin. On average your product receives 100 orders per day.

  • The daily sales revenue of your product will be 150 X 100 = 15,000 PKR.
  • The monthly sales revenue of your product will be 15,000 X 30 = 4,50,000 PKR.
  • Since your profit margin was 30%, so your monthly earnings will be 30% of 4,50,000 = 1,35,000 PKR.
  • Your yearly earnings will be 135,000 X 12 = 16,20,000 PKR.

This is how you can create assets on Daraz. The more you produce sales the more you earn.

Some of the top Pakistani sellers on Daraz earn 20 Million+ per year.

Don’t forget to read the Section 07: How to Become a Successful Daraz Seller.

02. Daraz Commission Rates

Amazon charges monthly Subscription Fee from sellers but there is No Subscription Fee for Daraz sellers, instead it deducts a certain percentage of commission from your sold product’s price.

Daraz commission rates vary from product to product. The lowest commission rate in Daraz is for Sportbikes which is only 0.80%, whereas the highest commission rate in Daraz is for Watches Sunglasses Jewellery, Shoes & Clothing, and Sport Watches & Sunglasses, which is 17.20%.

To read more about Daraz Commission Structure for all categories visit Marketplace Commission Structure.

03. What Is Daraz FBM?

Daraz FBM (Fulfilled by Merchant) is a fulfillment method in which a Daraz seller is responsible for shipping the orders directly to customers using his own resources. A seller himself controls, stores and manages his inventory.

In FBM, a seller doesn’t pay any storage or service fee to Daraz.

04. What Is Daraz FBD?

Daraz FBD (Fulfilled by Daraz) is a fulfillment method in which you send your inventory/products to Daraz fulfillment centers (warehouses). Daraz picks, stores, and ships your product orders to customers, and also manages order returns.

This method is particularly ideal for individual sellers on Daraz who don’t have resources to store and ship products to customers by themselves.

It is a very hectic job to pack and ship orders to customers by yourself, needs lot of physical efforts and consume your precious hours. By availing Daraz FBD service you actually transfer all your burden of printing, packaging, storage rent, labor cost, etc, to Daraz.

Nothing comes without a price, there is a monthly storage cost in FBD. The storage fee is calculated depending on the space occupied by your inventory/products in terms of cubic feet and number of days it remains in the Daraz warehouse.

There is no storage cost if your inventory/products are stored in Daraz warehouse for less than 30 days.

05. What is Daraz PL?

Daraz PL (Private Label) is a selling model or strategy in which a seller purchases product from a third-party manufacturer and sell on Daraz under his own label or brand name.

Most of the Daraz sellers use private label strategy to sell their products on Daraz. They purchase products in wholesale from a cheap marketplace under their own label and sell on Daraz by setting their profit margins.

You can find products in wholesale from local markets or manufacturers, as well as from China through Alibaba.

Let’s say I want to sell Business Card Holders on Daraz. Since, I am not a manufacturer, so what I will do is that I will find a manufacturer on Alibaba and ask them to manufacture business card holders under my brand name Meer CH.

Once my product is ready, I will create a Local Seller account on Daraz and sell card holders under my own brand Meer CH. This is what you call Private Label.

06. What Is Listing On Daraz?

A detail page of a product that contains product information such as images, description, price, reviews, etc.

This is an example, a product listing of Apple iPhone 13 on Daraz.

Product Listing example on daraz

07. How To Become a Successful Daraz Seller?

The ultimate goal of any seller on Daraz is to become successful and make a passive income, but it is not that simple.

In e-Commerce, choosing a right-product is the most important factor for your success.

Product research is a method through which a wining product is identified using different data points such as product search-volume, competition, customer need, etc, which has the potential to perform well on eCommerce marketplace in terms of sales.

The product research process is challenging, and time-consuming. Most of the sellers hire Virtual Assistants from Fiverr or Upwork, and ask them to find the best product/s for them to sell on Daraz.

You can find Top & Affordable Daraz Virtual Assistants Here.

Once the product is finalized the next job is product sourcing. If you can find a local manufacturer in your country it is well and good, but if you can’t then a virtual assistant can find an affordable manufacturer on Alibaba who will be sourcing your products under your label.

Besides product-research and sourcing, a Daraz virtual assistant can manage your Daraz seller account like product marketing, running PPC campaigns, product listing & SEO, product ranking, product photography, product reviews, etc.

Here are some tips for picking up a right product on Daraz, particularly if you are an individual seller:

  • If you’re an individual particularly a Private Label seller then don’t sell electronic products or those products that would break or damage during shipping. Sell those products for which you expect minimum customer returns.
  • Find products that could solve general problems of people. It is up to your research that how you identify such products.
  • Try to sell low-cost and unique products.
  • Sell those products which have high search-volume and low-competition. Don’t go to a very competitive niche, you might have to spend lot of money to rank it to top position.
  • Make sure to purchase your products in wholesale at a very good price. Remember that your purchasing price matters more than your selling pricing. If you purchase your products/inventory at expensive rate you might not be able to compete with other sellers and raise your profit margin.
  • Don’t sell low quality products. If you sell low-quality product you will get negative customer reviews, poor rating and frequent returns, as a result people will stop buying your product.
  • Go through the reviews of products similar to your product and find what features are missing or people are looking for, in them. You can provide those features in your product and engage customers.
  • Don’t sell your products under the logo/label of top brands like Nike, Adidas, FILA, Versace, Gucci, etc. Your account and listing can be permanently terminated.
  • Do proper SEO (Search Engine Optimization) by creating proper and original product listing. Take high-definition pictures of your products. If you do proper SEO you will get organic orders from both Daraz and Google search results.
  • Don’t set profit margins too-high for your product. Go through the prices of products similar to your niche. Once you get positive reviews, you can increase your profit margin to a great extent.

08. How To Create Daraz Seller Center Accounts

In the below sections, you will learn about How to access Daraz Seller Center page, Different types of Daraz Seller Center accounts, What are their requirements, and How to create their accounts.

01. How To Access Daraz Seller Center Page

Follow the steps to learn how to access Daraz Seller Center Page.

  • Open
  • Scroll-down to bottom of the page.
  • Select “Sell with us” tab.
  • Click on the link of the country from which you belong to, like, if you’re from Bangladesh, you must choose Bangladesh. You can create seller accounts from following countries: Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal.
Open Scroll-down to bottom of the page. Select "Sell with us" tab. Click on the link of the country from which you belong to
  • You will be redirected to Daraz Seller Center page.
  • At your right-side there is a Sign-In section. Go to its bottom and click the “Become A Seller” link.
At your right-side there is a Sign-In section. Go to its bottom and click the "Become A Seller" link.

This is the page on which you can create your Daraz Seller Center account. On the “Local Seller” account type you can see the Pakistani flag, this is because I chose Pakistan in the first step. If you choose Sri Lanka you will see the flag of Sri Lanka, so don’t get confused here.

There are 4 types of Daraz Seller Center i.e. DarazMall Seller, Local Seller, Global Seller, and Digital Sahulat. They have been explained in the next section.

  • Click on the Sign up as.. button to create your desired Daraz Seller Center account. For example, if I want to create a local seller account I will click on the Sign up as a Local Seller button.
Click on the Sign up as.. button to create your desired Daraz Seller Center account.

02. Types Of Daraz Seller Center

In the above section you have learnt about how to access the Daraz Seller Center sign-up page, now in this section you will learn about the requirements for each type of Daraz Seller Center account and how to sign-up.

Types of Daraz Seller Center:

  1. Daraz MallSeller
  2. Local Seller
  3. Global Seller
  4. Digital Sahulat

01. Daraz MallSeller

Daraz Mall offers top-quality shopping experience to customers on Daraz. Only authentic and licensed products from brands are sold on Daraz Mall. It offers fast-delivery, return policy, and quality assurance.

Following are some of the requirements for creating Daraz MallSeller account:

  • You can create Daraz MallSeller account only if you are a brand owner or an authorized seller.
  • You should have an active Business License in order to sell on Daraz as a corporate.
  • You should have a bank account to receive your payments.

Follow the steps to Create Daraz MallSeller account:

  • Choose Daraz MallSeller account, as shown in the Section 8 above.
  • Account Type will be automatically “Business“.
  • In the “Shop Based in” choose the location of your store.
  • Enter your active Phone (Mobile) Number.
  • Tick the “Terms & Conditions“.
  • Once you drag “Slide to Verify” it will send a verification code to your phone number and this form will be expanded downwards, as shown in the next step.
Choose Daraz MallSeller account. Choose the location of your store. Enter your active Phone (Mobile) Number. Tick the "Terms & Conditions". Once you drag "Slide to Verify" it will send a verification code to your phone number
  • Enter the code in “Slide to Verify” that you have received on your mobile phone.
  • Enter a secure Password for your account.
  • Enter your Email Address.
  • Enter your Store Name.
  • Read & Tick “Terms & Conditions“.
  • Click on the SIGN UP button.
Enter the code in "Slide to Verify". Enter a secure Password for your account. Enter your Email Address. Enter your Store Name. Read & Tick "Terms & Conditions". Click on the SIGN UP button.
  • It will redirect you to Daraz Seller Sign-In page. Once you are Signned-In you will have access to your Daraz MallSeller account.
  • Here you have to complete the To-Do List like Manage Address Book, Verify Corporate File, Fill in Bank Information, Brand Info, Order Package Info, and Upload Your SKU (Stock-keeping Unit).
Complete the To-Do List like Manage Address Book, Verify Corporate File, Fill in Bank Information, Brand Info, Order Package Info, and Upload Your SKU (Stock-keeping Unit).

02. Local Seller

Products that you see on Daraz apart from Daraz Mall and Daraz Global, are all come in the Local Seller category. Majority of the sellers in Local Sellers are Small Businesses/Manufacturers or Individual Private Label sellers.

You must have a clear idea about the difference between Daraz Mall Seller and Local Seller.

Here are some of the requirements for Daraz Local Seller account:

  • If you’re creating Individual Local Seller account you must have a Personal Identity Card and your Age should be at least 18.
  • If you’re creating Business Local Seller account you must have a Business License in order to sell as a corporate.
  • You must have a Bank Account to receive the payments of Daraz.

Follow the steps to Create Daraz Local Seller account.

  • Choose Daraz “Local Seller” account, as shown in the Section 8 above.
  • There are 2 options to choose “Individual” or “Business“.

Remaining process is the same, as shown above in Daraz MallSeller section.

There are 2 options to choose "Individual" or "Business".

The Business Local Seller account To-Do list will be same as shown in the Daraz MallSeller.

For an Individual Local Seller account the To-Do list will be:

  • Manage Address Book
  • Verify ID Information
  • Fill in Bank Information
  • Order Package Info
  • Upload Your SKU

03. Global Seller

Daraz Global is a special collection of goods on Daraz that allows you to buy products from abroad in your local currency or payment methods which are acceptable to Daraz.

Following are some of the requirements for Daraz Global Seller account:

  • You’re based out of your native country. Let’s say you’re from Pakistan and settled/living in UK.
  • You must have a Registered Business
  • Business Registration Certificate
  • Business Registration Number
  • ID Card Number
  • Skype Account
  • Payoneer Account for receiving your payments. If you haven’t created a Payoneer account, go through this tutorial: How To Create Payoneer Account Step-By-Step | Signup & Register.

Note: If you’re a Sri Lankan seller you don’t need Payoneer account. Instead you have to provide your Bank Account details like IBAN (International Bank Account Number), Swift Code, Bank Branch Name, and Bank Account Name, as shown in the Payment Section below.

Follow the steps to Create Daraz Global Seller account.

  • Choose Daraz Global Seller account, as shown in the Section 8.
01. General Information

In this section you have to provide the general information about your business or company.

  • In the “Shop Name” enter the name of your shop, it could be same as your business or company name.
  • Enter your Company Name.
  • Enter the “Name of legal representative“. One who has the statutory power to represent a company.
  • Enter your Company Address. Don’t forget to enter the Postal Code of City where your company is located.
  • Enter the name of your Product Category, like, Fashion, Beauty, Health, Fitness, Electronics, etc.
Provide the general information to create Daraz Global Seller Account
02. Main Contact

In this section you have to provide your main contact information.

  • In the “Name on ID card” enter you name written on your National Identity Card.
  • In the “ID Card Number” enter your National ID Card Number.
  • In the “Email Address” enter your Email ID that you use like “”.
  • Enter your “Phone number” with area code. Most probably it is your landline number.
  • Enter your “Mobile number“.
  • Enter your “Skype ID“.
Provide the main contact information to create Daraz Global Seller Account
03. Commission Rate
  • Choose your product Category. Every category has different commission rate. This is the commission that Daraz deducts from the price of your product when it is sold.
  • When you choose Category, Commission Rate will be automatically updated in the Percentage field.
Choose your product category
04. Payment Information

This step is for the sellers of Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal. The Sri Lankan sellers should follow the next step.

  • In the “Payoneer ID” enter your Payoneer ID. You can provide information related to Payoneer once you create Payoneer account.
  • Enter your “Business Registration Number“.
  • Enter your “Payoneer Account Name (Company Name)“. You must have created your Payoneer account in the name of your company.
  • In the “Payoneer Login ID (Email Address)” enter the email ID through which you login to your Payoneer account.
  • Upload the “Screenshot of Payoneer account” after Signing-In to it.
  • Upload the “Business Registration Certificate“.
  • Upload the Front Image and Back Image of your ID or Business Doc Scan corresponding to Payoneer Account owner Name. ID here means the National Identity Card of the person who owns Payoneer account.
Provide payment information like Payoneer ID, Business Registration Number, Payoneer Account name, etc.

This is the Payment step for Sri Lankan sellers only.

  • Enter your “Bank Account Name“.
  • In “Bank Account No” enter your IBAN (International Bank Account Number).
  • In the “Bank Name” enter your Bank Name.
  • In the “Name of the Bank’s Branch” enter the name of your bank’s branch. Every bank branch has a name.
  • Enter the “Swift Code” of your bank branch. It is used to identify the country, bank and branch that an account is registered to.
  • Upload the “Screenshot of Bank Cheque” that your bank provides to you.
  • Upload Front Image and Back Image of your National Identity Card or Passport.
  • Upload your “Business Registration Certificate“.
  • Upload if you have any authorized certificates. (Optional)
Required Payment information fro Sri Lankan Daraz Global Sellers
05. Operations Information

In this section you have to provide the Operations Information about your business.

  • Enter how many warehouses/fulfillment centers do you have and also their location in this format City/State/Country. Like, Total Number of Warehouses: 02. 1# San Fransisco/California/United States, and so on…
  • Enter the “Location Address” of warehouses/fulfillment centers.
  • Enter number of current logistic partners and enter their names and regions. Logistic Partners are responsible for carrying out the deliveries of your products to your customers.
  • Enter how much Inventory you stock-in to fulfill orders (dropship orders).
  • If you have your own eCommerce store, enter its link/URL. (Optional)
  • If you are working with Other Marketplaces also mention their links or URLs. (Optional)
Provide the Operations Information about your business like warehouses/fulfillment centers, Location Address, logistic partners, etc.
  • If you have a backup site for keeping backup stock, share its details. (Optional)
  • Enter how many employees or staff members in operations to handle Daraz-specific volumes.
  • Enter the order volumes you process per month.
  • Share details of the Ops POC for Daraz. Ops stands for Operations and POC stands for Proof of Concept. (Optional)
  • Choose your FM 3PL payout cycle. You have 3 options 15 days, 30 Days, and Others. 3PL stands for Third-Party Logistics.
Provide the remaining Operations information like backup site, employees or staff members, order volumes, Ops POC, and FM 3PL payout cycle.
06. Shipping Provider

In this section you have to choose your Shipping Provider.

  • Choose your Shipping Provider.
  • Click on the Submit Form to finish the process.
Choose your Shipping Provider. Click on the Submit Form to finish the process.

04. Digital Sahulat

Daraz Digital Sahulat offers digital goods and services to customers where they can pay digitally and get quick digital delivery like e-Books, Software, Subscription, Gift Cards, Games, etc.

These are some of the requirements for Daraz Digital Sahulat account:

  • You will sign-up as a local seller, means you are living in your own country.
  • If you’re creating Individual Digital Sahulat account you must have a Personal Identity Card and your Age should be at least 18.
  • If you’re creating Business Digital Sahulat account you must have a Business License in order to sell as a corporate.
  • You must have a Bank Account to receive the payments from Daraz.

Follow the steps to Create Daraz Digital Sahulat seller account:

  • Choose Daraz Digital Sahulat account, as shown in the Section 8 above.
  • Select your Account Type.
  • The sign-up process of Digital Sahulat seller account is same as Daraz MallSeller and Local Seller, as shown in the above sections.
Choose Daraz Digital Sahulat account. Select your Account Type, location, phone number, etc.

Once you are done with the Sign-up, you have to complete the following To-Do list:

  • Manage Address Book
  • Verify ID Information
  • Fill In Bank Information
  • DG(Digital Goods) Category Description
  • Upload Your SKU


So it was all about creating different types of Daraz Seller Center accounts from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal. Hope this article would have helped you to create your desired Daraz Seller Center account.

If you like this post then don’t forget to share with other people. Share your feedback in the comments section below.

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