How to Stop WhatsApp Vulnerable Voice Calls that Inject Your Phone



How To Stop The WhatsApp Vulnerable Voice Calls That Inject Your Phone

Do you want to know how to stop the WhatsApp vulnerable voice calls that inject your phone with Israeli spyware? You’re in the right place. In this tutorial, I will guide you on how to fix this issue.

WhatsApp is the most popular and secure messaging app, which has more than 1.5 billion users all over the world. That’s why it is often targeted by spyware and other vulnerable attacks.

A spyware which is presumed to be created by an Israeli cybersecurity and intelligence company called NSO Group, has effected lot of WhatsApp users.

How It Attacks & What It Does?

The spyware is transmitted by using voice call feature of the app. It is so advance that even if the recipient doesn’t accept the call it still can be transmitted to his phone.

It is used to hide the call records to erase the call tracking. From there it can access to internal records of the app, which could be your confidential data as well.

How To Protect?

Facebook and WhatsApp developers have advised all the WhatsApp users to update the WhatsApp, so that their phones will remain protected from the vulnerability.

How To Update The WhatsApp On Android?

Follow the steps to update the WhatsApp on Android phone.

  • Go to Playstore.
  • Tap My apps & games.
Go to Playstore. Tap My apps & games.
  • Tap on the Updates tab.
  • Tap on the UPDATE button.
Tap on the Updates tab. Tap on the UPDATE button.

How To Update The WhatsApp On iPhone?

Follow the steps to update the WhatsApp on iPhone.

  • Tap on the App Store icon on Homepage.
  • Tap Update at bottom of screen. You will be shown the list of Pending updates.
  • Tap the UPDATE button, located in front of WhatsApp.

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2 responses

  1. Avatar

    It is so unethical. Thanks for this information.

    1. Meer Basit

      You’re most welcome, George!

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