How To Monitor Facebook Messenger & Instagram With This Simple Hack



How To Monitor Facebook Messenger & Instagram

Social media is a powerful tool in today’s data-driven world. As of December 2019, the world population totals at 7.8 billion, of which 3.7 billion people are active social media users. This averages out to a new account are created on a social media platform every 6.4 seconds. 

The benefits of social media are numerous. Sometimes it is used for teaching, encouraging creativity in students, daily communication, learning, entertainment, making friendships, and is a great escape from reality.

Indeed, it is a great tool in today’s day and age but has many disadvantages too. Social media can be distracting and can reduce productivity significantly.

It can also affect our emotional and mental health. A study by Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University found the more people use Facebook, the higher the levels of envy which ultimately caused depression.

Speaking of Facebook, it is the number one social media platform, being used by close to 61% of internet users. 96% of Facebook’s monthly traffic comes through mobile devices and Facebook Messenger is one of its most popular services.

Facebook messenger works just like WhatsApp as it allows you to make voice and video calls and send instant messages to your friends’ lists. Moreover, you can still keep using Messenger even if you have deleted your Facebook account.

It’s not just teens or kids using Facebook Messenger, but many working individuals also use it because of the convenience it provides.

Similarly, Instagram is also one of the most popular social media websites today. What Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram all have in common – besides popularity – is that they all fall under the same parent company, Meta (formerly; Facebook).

Instagram began as a rival to other photo-sharing websites of its time like Flickr and Tumblr and has evolved into a powerful tool for creators and businesses alike.

The app generates content and revenue in the multiple millions and has even paved the way for a new sub-culture of self-employment – influencers. And it’s incredible to see people’s fixation with figuring out how to track down those who are stalking them on Instagram.

But this popularity and immense adoption has also enabled more instances of online abuse, cybercrime, and harassment. This is especially true for the app’s younger audience which has shown to be the group most susceptible to attacks and abuse.

For these reasons, many employers and parents are looking for ways to monitor Facebook Messenger and Instagram. Keeping a closer eye on these apps has been of utmost priority in efforts to curb the dangers they may present.

For the longest time, no precise and reliable method existed for this purpose, but with the advent of mobile tracking and monitoring apps, the tables have turned. Now, anyone can look at someone’s Instagram messages without them knowing.

What is a Mobile Tracker App?

A mobile tracker app is the best tool for the non-tech savvy individual to monitor all or most aspects of any phone. Mobile tracker apps work in the background and are hidden from the device owner, making them oblivious to the fact that their activity is being monitored.

These apps also have the added benefit of remote operation which allows users to essentially control devices from a laptop miles away. All they require is an internet connection between the controlling device and the ‘target’ device.

Mobile tracking applications also boast an expansive list of features and services. Users are capable of viewing application activity on the target device, reading call logs, messages, and texts, monitoring emails sent and received to accounts logged in on the device, and even including social media monitoring functionalities.

Some of the best apps on the market can tap into the device’s GPS and provide regular updates on the person’s whereabouts.

How to Use Facebook and Instagram Monitoring App

For these apps to work, you will have to buy a subscription first. All mobile tracking apps work almost similarly but for a demonstration today, we’ll be discussing one of the more popular ones as a case study. That app is XNSPY.

XNSPY has two plans for separate use cases. The top-tier plan allows users to access all the features without any limitations. And if your goal is to monitor Instagram and Facebook Messenger, XNSPY’s Premium Plan is where you can unlock this feature.

Once you’ve selected the plan of your choice and made the respective payment, XNSPY sends you login credentials via the email you’ve signed up with. This is what you use to sign in to their dashboard.

Note for First-Timers: XNSPY and other mobile tracking apps require a wait time before they start working. XNSPY in this case can have you wait anywhere between 24-48 hours before data is populated on the online dashboard.

During this time, the app installed on the target phone is backing up data onto XNSPY’s secure servers, and the wait time depends on how much data is available on the device.

After this, your dashboard will be ready for use. From here it’s only a matter of logging in, and selecting the correct social media button from the left window and all Instagram and Facebook Messenger chats are displayed.

The XNSPY app is the safest bet for anyone wanting to know how to monitor Facebook Messenger and other social media apps. Reading customer testimonials for these apps is a solid way to nail down purchase decisions.

The Need for Mobile Tracking Apps

As we mentioned briefly early on, the inherent need for mobile tracking apps has grown largely due to the dangers social media and instant messaging apps present. While they have made communication effortless and provided a more connected world, they do have glaring drawbacks.

Why Parents Need It

We suspect it’ll be parents of young children and teens who would be more likely to find out how to monitor Facebook Messenger and other apps. And for good reason! Most parents have no way of knowing what their children are up to online, or what dangers they could be exposed to.

It is also difficult for parents to properly comprehend just how much of a child’s emotional and mental life is connected to their phone screens. One advantage older generations have over newer ones is that they have and can experience life outside the virtual space.

Today’s gadgets and technology are suspiciously catering to the youth for good reason: they’re the customers of tomorrow. This youth also has trouble disconnecting from their online lives, causing a substantial rise in mental health and social issues.

Recent statistics indicate that nearly 75% of American teens today have social media accounts on at least one popular app or website. And 51% of teens visit social media daily! Such a reliance, and the addictive mechanism through which social media operates, causes anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem problems in children as young as 12.

Why Employers Need It

Parents aren’t the only demographic finding utility in mobile tracking tools. Employers and business owners have earmarked the use of tracking apps in the workplace as well.

TimeDoctor and other productivity managing apps have long been the darlings of the corporate structure, but now mobile tracking apps are finding their way on business-lent devices too.

The primary motivation for this has been the surge in cybercrime and data theft. With tech, healthcare, and government institutions frequently being victims of targeted cyberattacks, the losses incurred can be in multiple millions of dollars.

These attacks have also been spurred on with work-from-home measures in various companies which pulls employees out of the strict and controlled walls of the office.

Most corporate attacks are a result of human error or negligence and hackers are primed to exploit this through social media channels, instant messengers, and emails. Deploying mobile tracking apps on company devices is one sure way of reducing instances of hacks by blocking or limiting access to online activity.

Regardless of which camp you favor, the utility of mobile tracking apps cannot be denied. When used correctly, they are powerful tools that enable individuals and businesses alike to fine-tune their control.

The days where mobile tracking apps were commonly known for being too stringent are going, as their use becomes more ubiquitous. Nevertheless, knowing how to monitor Facebook Messenger or any other application can be a great way to clamp down on the very real issues plaguing children, parents, and corporations.

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