How to Spot Hidden Object from Optical Illusion Pictures



How To Spot Hidden Object From Optical Illusion Picture

Do you want to know how to spot hidden object from optical illusion pictures? You’re in the right place. In this post, I will share 4 tricks that can help you to spot the hidden object from the optical illusion pictures.

An optical illusion is an illusion caused by the visual system and characterized by a visual percept that appears to differ from reality. Optical illusion pictures trick the human eye into seeing something which is not real.

I will take this optical illusion picture as an example that contains a hidden object.

optical illusion picture that contains a hidden object.

How to spot hidden object from optical illusion picture?

Below are the 4 tricks to spot the hidden object from optical illusion pictures.

Trick 1: Gaze at the Picture

Gaze at the optical illusion picture for at least 20 seconds by slightly closing (half closed) your eyes, the hidden pattern or object starts to appear before your eyes.

Gaze at the optical illusion picture for at least 20 seconds by slightly closing (half closed) your eyes, the hidden pattern or object starts to appear before your eyes.

Trick 2: Zoom Out

Open the optical illusion picture on your Picture Viewer or Editor such as Microsoft Paint and Zoom Out (-). Make it small equal to a small thumbnail.

Open the optical illusion picture on your Picture Viewer or Editor such as Microsoft Paint and Zoom Out (-). Make it small equal to a small thumbnail.

Trick 3: Place the Picture on Desktop

Place the optical illusion picture on your desktop. Look at the thumbnail on your Desktop, you would be able to spot the hidden object easily.

Place the optical illusion picture on your desktop. Look at the thumbnail on your Desktop, you would be able to spot the hidden object easily.

Trick 4: Upload on Twitter

You can also spot the hidden object by uploading the optical illusion picture on Twitter. Open your twitter Profile Page and see its thumbnail, located at the right side.

You can also spot the hidden object by uploading the optical illusion picture on Twitter. Open your twitter Profile Page and see its thumbnail, located at the right side

I hope that these 4 tricks would have helped you to spot the hidden object or pattern from the optical illusion picture. If you like this post then don’t forget to share with the other people. Share your feedback in the comments section below.

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