How To Connect Blogger Blog to Google Search Console [2024]



How To Configure Google Search Console On Blogger

Do you want to connect your Blogger blog to Google Search Console? You’re in the right place.

In this tutorial, I will guide you step-by-step on How to connect Blogger blog to Google Search Console and then How to submit Blogger sitemap in Google Search Console.

Google Search Console is a free SEO tool and a web service by Google, which allows website or blog owners to check indexing status of their pages, posts or articles.

It provides you website analytics reports, performance reports, errors, warnings, URL inspection tool, coverage reports, adding sitemaps, mobile usability reports, core web vitals reports, and much more.

Following topics will be covered in this tutorial:

  1. How to Connect Blogger to Google Search Console
  2. How to Submit Blogger Sitemap in Google Search Console


01. How to Connect Blogger to Google Search Console

In this section, I will guide you on how to connect or link your Blogger blog to Google Search Console.

  • Login to your Blogger blog.
  • On your Blogger Dashboard go to sidebar and click Settings.
  • Scroll-down to Crawlers and indexing and click the Google Search Console link.
click Settings. Scroll-down to Crawlers and indexing and click the Google Search Console link
  • You will be redirected to Google Search Console.
  • There are 2 sections (1) Domain (2) URL prefix. Go to section 2 (URL prefix) and enter your Blogger blog’s URL like ““.
  • Click Continue button.
Go to section 2 (URL prefix) and enter your Blogger blog's URL like "".
  • Google Search Console automatically verifies your ownership because Blogger is powered by Google. You don’t have to manually verify your ownership using different methods. The ownership means you own the blog whose URL you entered above.
  • Click GO TO PROPERTY to access your Google Search Console account.
Click GO TO PROPERTY to access your Google Search Console account.

Normally it takes up to 24 hours to gather data and show you the results in Google Search Console.

The Overview is the homepage of Google Search Console. It gives an overview of important sections of Google Search Console such as Performance, Coverage, Experience, etc.

To explore more about Google Search Console, watch this YouTube tutorial: Google Search Console Tutorial for Beginners.

In order to learn How to submit your Blogger blog’s sitemap in Google Search Console follow the next section.

Google Search Console Overview

02. Submit Blogger Sitemap in Google Search Console

In this section, I will guide you on how to add or submit your Blogger blog’s sitemap in Google Search Console.

The Sitemap is an xml file that contains list of your website URLs to inform the search engines about pages/posts that are available for crawling.

In Blogger you can also submit your sitemap through Custom robots.txt. Read this tutorial: How To Set Up Custom Robots Txt In Blogger | Sitemap.

Follow the steps to submit Blogger blog’s sitemap in the Google Search Console:

  • Click Sitemaps from the sidebar of Google Search Console.
Click Sitemaps from the sidebar of Google Search Console.
  • Go to Add a new sitemap section and enter sitemap.xml at the end of your Blogger URL, after the “/“.
  • Click the SUBMIT button.
Go to Add a new sitemap section and enter sitemap.xml at the end of your Blogger URL, after the "/". Click the SUBMIT button.
  • You can see that the sitemap has been successfully submitted in the Google Search Console. On Discovered URLs column you can see how many URLs of your blog have been found.
sitemap has been successfully submitted in the Google Search Console
  • Get access to all Blogger Tutorials.
  • If you like this post then don’t forget to share with people. Share your feedback in the comments section below.
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2 responses

  1. Avatar

    Thank you. Your blog has been super helpful in setting up my blogspot. I am new to blogging and was hitting a lot of dead ends.

    1. Meer Basit

      You’re most welcome Vibha!

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