17 Weather Idioms You Should Use | Learn English



17 Weather Idioms You Should Use

Weather idioms are one of those idioms that everyone must know because they are used very frequently in our daily conversation and writings.

In this post we are come up with one of the most common and widely used weather idioms for you.

01. Come rain or shine

Come rain or shine | Weather Idioms You Should Use


In any situation or circumstance or like whether it is rain or shine, things will be done or finished.


  • Don’t worry. I will be in party come rain or shine.
  • I promise your work will be done come rain or shine.

02. On cloud nine

On cloud nine


Extremely joyful and happy.


  • When I got my first salary, I was on cloud nine.
  • On his wedding day, Smith was on cloud nine.

03. The calm before the storm

The calm before the storm


A period of relative calm right before something major and chaotic is happening or followed by a period of trouble or intense activity.


  • Indian cricket team is hoping it’s the calm before the storm, but she has no idea what to expect from Pakistani fast bowlers.
  • The dogs will cry that this is the calm before the storm.

04. Head in the clouds

Head in the clouds


This is somebody who’s not focused on what’s happening, who’s thinking about other things, not really paying attention or his head is filled with unrealistic ideas.


  • Do your best to keep your feet on the ground even if your head is in the clouds.
  • With your head in the clouds, you could miss out on all the good stuff.

05. In a fog / In a haze

In a fog / In a haze


In a fog, also called ‘in a haze’, so when it’s foggy or hazy, it’s hard to see. And when you’re in a fog or in haze, it’s hard to think, hard to concentrate. Confused.


  • John is so lazy that he always seems to be in a fog.
  • His teaching method was so weird that all students were in a fog.

06. Out of the blue

Out of the blue


When something happens out of the blue, that’s relating to weather in that, it comes from the idea of a clear blue sky, nothing in it, and then out of the blue, a storm comes in or something like that rather quickly. Something that happens unexpectedly.


  • My childhood friend after a long time appeared out of the blue.
  • Generally it is said that Industrial Revolution did not come out of the blue.

07. Take the wind out of your sails

Take the wind out of your sails


This is when you have momentum going for something or excitement and then something happens that just disturbs that momentum or that excitement.


  • My wife was anxiously waiting for her gift, but when I came empty handed it took the wind out of her sails.
  • When teacher announced that trip has been cancelled, it took the wind out of students sails.

08. Break the ice

Break the ice


To reduce unfamiliarity. To become friend with someone. If you break the ice, it means to start conversation with somebody you haven’t met before. First social interaction with somebody is called breaking the ice. It’s the first time you’re getting starting to get to know somebody.


  • In an attempt to break the ice, I asked her how many people would come in party.
  • There’s nothing like working side by side with people to help break the ice.

09. Take a rain check

Take a rain check


To refuse someones offer politely with the hope that it can be accepted or postponed at a later time. A rain-check is a ticket given to spectators in case if the game is stopped because of rain. Rain-check is refundable and can be used on another similar occasion.


  • Instead, take a rain-check and make it for another week.
  • He is probably right to take a rain-check.

10. Tip of the iceberg

Tip of the iceberg


The bigger part of an iceberg remains below the surface of the water. Only the top of iceberg is visible. So it means that it is just a small visible part of something such as a problem, that is seen or visible, but the larger part or problem is not visible. Only a hint or suggestion of a much larger problem.


  • While both teams suffered humiliating losses, it was just the tip of the iceberg.
  • He insists the four who were prepared to speak out could be the tip of the iceberg.

11. Rain on your parade

Rain on your parade


This means to diminish something that someone’s excited about. Someone could be really energized about something, happy about it. To spoils someone’s plans.


  • I can see a price drop for the Xbox 360 to rain on Nintendo’s parade, which might tempt me.
  • I don’t want to rain on your parade, but your plans are wrong.

12. Snowball

Snowball weather idiom


It’s something that starts and then picks up speed, gets much bigger, becomes a much bigger problem. The idea here is a snowball rolling down a hill of snow. As you roll a snowball in the snow, it collects other snow and gets much bigger.


  • He was the one who got me into the weight room and it all snowballed from there.
  • We were not making good decisions on the floor and it really snowballed on us.

13. Know which way the wind blows

Know which way the wind blows


Talking about future events. To anticipate the future and to understand what is happening in changing circumstances.


  • As a wise man once said, you don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.
  • Pakistani politicians know which way the wind blows regarding their party position in the coming elections.

14. Once in a blue moon

Once in a blue moon


A blue moon is the second full moon that happens within the same calendar month, which makes it pretty rare. So, once in a blue moon, it means very rarely.


  • People only see Smith ones in a blue moon.
  • These are discouraging times, but once in a blue moon a bit of hope appears.

15. Raining cats and dogs

Raining cats and dogs


When it’s raining really, really hard, that’s when we might use this idiom.


  • It is raining cats and dogs in Florida, thanks to storm.
  • It was raining cats and dogs.

16. Steal someone’s thunder

Steal someone's thunder


This is like when someone has something big to share, big news, but someone shares something even bigger before you get to do yours, or they actually tell your story when you wanted to share it.


  • He’s doing it to steal Smith’s thunder.
  • It is too late for them now, they can’t steal our thunder.

17. Under the weather

Under the weather


This just means you’re not feeling well, you’re kind of sick. We use it often for when we’re not totally sick but we don’t feel great. In low spirits.


  • Smith was feeling under the weather and had a lot of work, so sent his regrets.
  • Maryam still seemed a bit under the weather when she learned she had been eliminated.

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