Understand Basic HTML Tags & CSS Properties Used on Blogger



Before You Write Your First Post On Blogger

HTML is the standard markup language for designing webpages, and CSS is a langauge that describes the style of HTML document.

Though the Blogger is an advanced and user-friendly platform for blogging like everything is available on HTML Editor, but the question is, what a normal blogger/publisher/content-creator has to do with HTML & CSS?

In this post, I will introduce you with some of the important HTML tags & CSS properties that are used in Blogger, and you will also come to know that why their understanding is important for everyone.


01. How To View HTML Code Of a Post?

In this section, I will guide you on how to view the HTML code of a post on Blogger.

  • There are two views of HTML Editor i.e. Compose & HTML.
  • Compose is a normal or front view where you write & compose your post.
  • HTML view contains the HTML code of a post. You switch to HTML view when you have to add/remove/edit code or HTML tags.
  • Click the Pencil (Edit) icon at your top-left to expand the view options.
Click the Pencil (Edit) icon at your top-left to expand the view options.
  • Click the HTML view. You can see the HTML tags and CSS styling.
  • To go back to normal view click Compose view.
Click the HTML view. You can see the HTML tags and CSS styling.

02. Important HTML Tags & CSS Properties

Though there are plenty of HTML tags which are generated when you write a post, but here I will explain only those which are more important to understand.

01. <br />

  • When you hit Enter, this HTML tag is generated. It means new line. When you hit Backspace it is deleted.
  • Sometimes though we think that we have deleted the newline by hitting Backspace, but some <br />’s remain in the code. So in that case you have to delete the extra <br />’s from HTML code.
  • When we upload image, sometimes we don’t get any space to Enter a newline below, in that case you can go to HTML code and insert <br /> below that image, so that you will be able to continue to write below that image.
Blogger Templates

02. <b></b>

  • This tag is for doing bold. Though we can bold from Editor by clicking B, but sometimes the boldness doesn’t remove from Editor, so you need to remove the <b></b> tags from the HTML code.
  • <b> is a starting tag whereas </b> is the ending tag. For example, <b> Anything text between these tags will get bold </b>

03. <span></span>

  • Span is a container that holds text, and images in between <span> …… </span>. Whenever you add style to the text from the Editor like Bold, Font-size, Color or Underline etc, that text comes in between span tags in HTML code.
  • E.g. <span style=”font-size: x-large; color: red;”> Use of the Span Tag </span>
  • Again, when you write posts there is possibility that Editor might generate extra <span> which could remain in HTML code.
  • It is important to delete the extra spans like extra </br>’s.

04. <div> </div>

  • Div tag is used as a container for HTML elements, text, and images, Like this:
<div id="maincontainer">
<h2>This is a heading in a div element</h2>
<p>This is some text in a div element.</p>

05. Style

  • As I wrote above that when we style text, that text comes between <span></span> tags or <div></div> tags in the HTML code. You can give style to any HTML element, like here you can see that the heading h3 has been aligned left using style. “<h3 style=”text-align: left;”>”
  • HTML uses CSS properties to add style.

Here is the format:

  • <span style=”color: #000000; font-size: large; text-decoration: underline”> Understanding CSS properties </span>

06. Customize The Style

  • On Blogger’s Editor we’ve got only fixed font sizes like Largest, Large, Small, Medium, etc, but what if you want to add custom font-size of your choice?
Blogger builtin font sizes on Editor

For that you need to go to HTML code and find that line to add your custom font-size. For example, I have added Largest font-size from the Editor and now I want to change it to font-size of my choice.

  • <span style=”font-size: x-large;”>What People Say</span>
  • <span style=”font-size: 150px;> What People Say</span> //Customized Version

Similarly you can customize lot of other CSS properties in HTML code.

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2 responses

  1. Avatar

    it's pain to remove all these unnecessary codes that are added by switching between Compose and HTML.

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