How to Sell On Amazon | Start Your Own FBA Business



How to Sell On Amazon Start Your Own FBA Business featured

Do you want to become a profitable Amazon seller or you really don’t know how to start your own FBA Amazon business from scratch? You are in the right place. I have come up with an amazing online course for beginners, “How To Sell On Amazon” where you will learn proven techniques for launching a successful business on Amazon.

Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) business is one of the shortest ways to become a millionaire. Just Imagine, a $51 course makes you a millionaire!

This course is offered by Erik Rogne. He is a 7-Figure Amazon expert & e-Learning instructor teaching over 140,000 students partner together to teach you step-by-step how to easily start your own Amazon FBA business.

This course includes 18 Chapters, 102 Videos (71 hours) & 4 Quizzes. If you are not satisfied with this course there is a 30-day money-back guarantee as well.

Why You Need This Online Course?

To be honest selling on Amazon is not a fun, particularly if you are a beginner because millions of people are already associated with Amazon and there will be a serious competition. Only those people become successful sellers who do smart work & this is exactly why this course is designed for!

You will get answers of most of your queries once you complete this course like How do I become a seller on Amazon, Is it profitable to sell on Amazon, How much do Amazon sellers earn, How do Beginners sell on Amazon, How do I become a millionaire on Amazon, What items sell best on Amazon, What can new sellers sell on Amazon, What Cannot be sold on Amazon, Is it easy to sell on Amazon, Is selling on Amazon FBA worth it, How much money do I need to start an Amazon FBA, and many more..

The most important thing about this course is that you will actually complete the tasks provide to you. If you do it is guaranteed that you will be able to launch you own product on Amazon and become successful FBA seller.

In this post I will cover following topics:

  • Why Amazon?
  • How This Course Works
  • Complete Course Syllabus


Why Amazon?

There are many online marketplaces like eBay, Walmart, Apple etc, but why Amazon? Because Amazon is the world’s largest online retailer. It dominates the US eCommerce landscape and continues to grow worldwide and that’s why Amazon is considered as the best place to sell your products.

Amazon is the world's largest online retailer. It dominates the US eCommerce landscape and continues to grow worldwide

How This Course Works

This course works in 3 Parts:

  • Part 1: Pick Your Product
  • Part 2: Launch Your Product
  • Part 3: Viral Launch
Pick Your Product, Launch Your Product, Viral Launch

Part 1: Pick Your Product

In Part 1 you will learn following things:

  • You will decide on what product you want to import and find the 2 or 3 manufacturers to create the product for you.
  • What to look for in a product
  • Decide on what to sell on Amazon
  • Find the right manufacturer to create your product
  • Review you product selections and manufacturers

Part 2: Launch Your Product

In Part 2 you will learn following things:

  • Order product samples from manufacturers
  • Evaluate Product samples
  • Create your product listing on Amazon
  • Place your order with your manufacturer
  • Ship directly to Amazon without touching your product at all

Part 3: Viral Launch

In Part 3 you will learn following things:

  • Find product keywords to optimize your listing
  • Get reviews faster than your competitors
  • Advertise on Amazon to rank at the top.
  • Build automation to reduce the amount of work you have to do.

Complete Course Syllabus

The syllabus includes 18 Chapters, 102 videos & 4 Quizzes.

Chapter 1: Part 1 – Introduction

  1. Quick Overview of the Perfect Product System (6:16)
  2. Course Design & Resources (3:50)
  3. Amazon FBA Monthly Earnings (3:00)
  4. Meet Your Instructors (4:00)
  5. Setting Expectations (4:18)
  6. Key Concepts (Learn What Private Labeling Is And More) (8:16)
  7. Steps To Complete Before We Start (4:16)

Chapter 1: Quiz

Chapter 2: Part 1 – Mini-Goal 1 | Understand What To Look For In A Product

  1. Everything You Need To Know About China (9:40)
  2. The Worst Categories (And Why Must Avoid Them!) (8:58)
  3. The Best Categories To Focus Your Product Search On (2:21)
  4. Basic Product Criteria (20 Different Things To Look For In A Product) (8:32) Free
  5. Advanced Product Criteria (9 Different Things To Look For) (5:41)

Chapter 2: Quiz

Chapter 3: Part 1 – Mini-Goal 2 | Use Our Basic Product Criteria To Find 3 Products

  1. Action – Choose A Product Category To Start With (2:52)
  2. Action – Install Unicorn Smasher Chrome Extension (3:00)
  3. Action – Find A Product To Run Through Our Choosing A Product Cheat Sheet (16:17)
  4. Action – Find 3 Products That Pass Our Choosing A Product Cheat Sheet (11:11)
  5. Action – Add Chosen Products To Our Product Comparison Sheet (2:14)
  6. Action – Calculate The Basic Criteria Score For Each Product (10:42)

Chapter 3: Quiz

Chapter 4: Part 1 – Mini-Goal 3 | Decide on 1 Product To Import

  1. Action – Find Out If Our Products Pass The 5X Rule (8:22)
  2. Action – Find Out If Our Products Have A Low MOQ (3:08)
  3. Action – Find Out If Our Products Are Not Patented (4:41)
  4. Action – Find Out If Our Products Have A High RPR (7:23)
  5. Action – Find Out If Our Products Pass The Keyword Test (3:31)
  6. Action – Find Out If We Can Create A Listing That Would Beat Our Competitors (11:50)
  7. Action – Find Out If Our Products Are Trending (2:40)
  8. Action – Determine If We Can Brand And Add Bonuses To Our Products (2:56)
  9. Action – Calculate The Advanced Criteria Score For Each Product (2:28)
  10. Action – Use Our Product Comparison Sheet To Make Our Final Product Decision (3:47)

Chapter 5: Part 1 – Mini-Goal 4 | Find 2-3 Suppliers To Import A Sample From

  1. Action – Find 5 Potential Suppliers On Alibaba (6:24)
  2. Action – Send A Message To 5 Suppliers (15:53)
  3. Action – Evaluate Supplier Offers (6:13)
  4. Action – Create Counter Offers (5:59)
  5. Action – Run Suppliers Through The Supplier Scoring Rubric (12:28)
  6. Action – Decide On 2-3 Suppliers To Import A Sample From (4:43)

Chapter 6: Part 1 – Mini-Goal 5 | Complete Final Research For Your Product

  1. Action – Calculate Profit Margin Estimate (11:23)
  2. Action – Research Competition For Our Product (5:32)
  3. Action – Find Possible Product Improvements (2:52)

Chapter 7: Part 1 Conclusion

  1. Review Of What You Did In This Course (1:56)
  2. Your Next Steps (0:27)

Chapter 8: Part 2 Introduction

  1. Welcome to Part 2! (1:33)
  2. Course Design & Class Materials (7:05)
  3. Why Speed Is Critical to Your Success On Amazon (1:58)
  4. How to Communicate & Build a Relationship With Your Supplier (2:01)
  5. Module Review (0:59)

Chapter 9: Part 2 – Mini-Goal 1 | Order 2-3 Product Samples

  1. Module Introduction (1:12)
  2. Why You Must Get Product Samples (3:11)
  3. Why You Need to Establish a Relationship With Your Supplier (1:44)
  4. The Importance of Product Quality & Negotiating (1:29)
  5. Action – Place an Order for 2-3 Product Samples (7:21)
  6. Module Review (0:40)

Chapter 10: Part 2 – Mini-Goal 3 | Create Your Barebones Listing On Amazon

  1. Module Introduction (1:03)
  2. Action – Evaluate Your Samples Using Our General Criteria (6:38)
  3. Action – Create Your Own Sample Evaluation Criteria (6:34)
  4. Action – Take Product Pictures (7:00)
  5. 55. Action – Use the Quality of Your Product Sample to Negotiate (2:25)

Chapter 11: Part 2 – Mini-Goal 4 | Place Your Order & Ship It To Amazon

  1. Module Introduction (0:56)
  2. Action – Create an Amazon Seller Account (1:47)
  3. Action – Choose Your Product Category to List In (1:27)
  4. Action – Buy a UPC Code (Barcode) (3:28)
  5. Action – Create Your Barebones Product Listing (3:43)
  6. Module Review (0:56)

Chapter 12: Part 2 – Mini-Goal 5 | Complete Your Product Listing

  1. Module Introduction (1:40)
  2. Erik’s Experience With U.S. Customs (2:02)
  3. Action – Complete Supplier Checklist (6:45)
  4. Action – Pay Your Supplier (1:06)
  5. Action – Select a Single FBA Warehouse (2:12)
  6. Action – Prepare to Send Your Amazon FBA Inventory (4:51)
  7. Action – Send Your Supplier Amazon Shipping Labels & FNSKU Barcodes (0:50)
  8. Module Review (0:49)

Chapter 13: Part 2 Conclusion

  1. Module Introduction (0:41)
  2. Action – Add Vital Product Information (3:02)
  3. Action – Add Product Variations (Optional) (0:46)
  4. Action – Update Product Offer (1:03)
  5. Action – Add In Compliance Information (Optional) (0:45)
  6. Action – Upload Product Images (0:50)
  7. Action – Update Product Description (3:35)
  8. Action – Add In Product Keywords (2:43)
  9. Action – Fill Out ‘More Details’ For Your Product (2:40)
  10. Module Conclusion (1:15)

Chapter 14: Part 3 – Mini-Goal 1 | Find Product Keywords For Optimization

  1. Module Introduction (0:44)
  2. How to Contact Amazon Seller Support (1:31)
  3. Action – Upgrade Your Amazon Seller Account (1:36)
  4. Review Of What You Did In This Course (1:55)
  5. Module Review (0:40)

Chapter 15: Part 3 – Mini-Goal 2 | List Your Product On Jumpsend

  1. Quick Overview of Part 3 Structure (2:43)
  2. Viral Launch Fundamentals (3:53)
  3. Understand Amazon Seller Central (5:04)
  4. Search For Product Keywords For Future Optimization (7:10)

Chapter 16: Part 3 – Mini-Goal 3 | Setup An Amazon PPC Campaign

  1. Action – Create a Coupon For Your Product (6:55)
  2. Action – Share Product On 3+ FB Groups (3:36)
  3. Action – List Product On Jumpsend (7:11)
  4. Action – Setup JumpSend Email Campaign (3:39)

Chapter 17: Part 3 – Mini-Goal 4 | Create An Autoresponder For Your Listing

  1. Introduction to Amazon PPC (2:47)
  2. Campaigns, Adgroups, & Keywords Overview (4:22)
  3. Amazon PPC Key Metrics & Terminology (5:58)
  4. What the Bid Price Does (2:59)
  5. Ideal ACoS Calculator (4:05)
  6. Action – Export Keyword Report & Put in Google Sheets (3:26)
  7. Action – Add in Negative Keywords (1:45)
  8. Action – Set Your Listing Autoresponder Up For Maximum Reviews (2:35)
  9. Choosing the Right Fiverr Seller for Amazon FBA (4:27)
  10. Next Steps On Where to Go From Here (1:42)

Chapter 18

Final Quiz.


So it was all about this incredible Amazon FBA course for beginners. When you finish this course you will have a product launch on Amazon. Join this course and turn your ideas in to reality.

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